So, this month’s post feels “just about right” (hence the title. For one, It has been almost exactly a month since my last post. Secondly, last month when I said hello to the 20 people who actually read my blog I was surprised to find that by the end of the day the page had exactly 20 views. All ironies aside, I’ve wanted to talk about my newly rediscovered second love: SCIENCE. It is Valentine’s Day after all.
[Personal crap you probably don’t care about]
I’ve been interested in science since I was a kid, but here recently I’ve been dedicating a whole lot of time to Physics and Calculus and I have become somewhat absorbed in it all. While I find these subjects competing with video games for my time, it just seems to stick due to the fact that I feel like I’m doing something really productive — not to say that game development, networking and writing isn’t productive.
I’m in a community college now waiting to transfer for Electrical & Computer Engineering, thinking about pursuing Quantum Computing and entertaining the possibility that I may have finally found what I want to do with my life…
…or not… biggest problem is simply that I really like writing, I really like video games, I really like music, art, physics, math and science. Due to this, I hate to restrict myself by limiting myself to one or two disciplines, yet the workforce today is very specialized. I mean, who doesn’t want to have an interesting job where they can make tons of money and also do good for people at the same time?
[/Personal crap you probably don’t care about]
Anyway, in physics-y news, Physicists may have discovered the Higgs Boson, also called the god particle as it is thought that the other sub-atomic particles/elementary particles of the particle zoo may have been formed from it. So that’s cool.
In game-y type new today, everyone is going on and on about a prototype PS4 controller. Why? Because there is nothing else interesting going on I mean no one has official information to disclose on Xi3’s piston or the future of independent development. So here’s the picture, take a gander: