As those who read my little snippet yesterday know, I didn’t sleep Friday night. I stayed up and played Skyrim for twelve straight ours, took a four hour nap, watched Minecon, made yesterday’s post and then went to eat dinner with my dad. When I got home I played for another five hours and started writing a FAQ for the Thieves Guild.
Throughout all this game time I’ve been recording on and off to get visuals for a Skyrim video review, although after reviewing Gears of War 3 I have made the executive decision to create a written review first and then translate those thoughts to video form. I have also decided to scrap commercial reviews — they are too difficult for someone who knows as much as I do about the game development process, and I’m easily distracted. Instead I’ll be analyzing aspects of the game, and the situation surrounding their production and offer both praise and criticism to the developer.
I only have half a week of class this next week, and I only go in to work on Friday but this coming Thanksgiving week will be demanding on my schedule, I’ll try to post when I can but it may not be until next weekend or unless something really awesome, like Foldit, shows itself.