Engineering Better Games
It has been a while since my last post. There have been many things going on in my life and I have finally reached a tipping point. I am going into the video game industry. For the past couple of years I have worked through an Electrical and Computer En ...
STILL So Much To Do. STILL So Little Time.
If NewReader == 1 cout >> "Welcome to my blog... it kinda sucks." Else cout >> "Welcome back!" EndIf So obviously it has been quite a while since my last post. Generally this is an indicator that I have bee ...
So Much to Do, So Little Time. Console vs.PC and Ramblings of an Independent Developer
Hello again. There is a great deal of catching up to do and I have a lot of ground to cover. Let's get started. On a personal note, I have been extremely busy recently. Not in that I have obligations to fulfill. No, I've been keeping myself busy with my ...
Just About Right…
So, this month's post feels "just about right" (hence the title. For one, It has been almost exactly a month since my last post. Secondly, last month when I said hello to the 20 people who actually read my blog I was surprised to find that b ...
What a Long Strange Trip It Has Been…
So, where to begin. The last time I posted I was seven-months younger and I was driven by blind ambition. The ambition is still there; however, now I am looking at reality. The computer hardware mentioned in my last post -- we have it. ...