Carolinas Game Summit; UDK Game Development; Skyrim Mod; Dark Ascension and Much More
Hello once again peeps. It's been another month of no posting, mostly because I'm lazy, as I'll elaborate later I've had plenty of time, just not enough time all at once. So I previously mentioned that my brother, my best friend and I have a ...
It’s been half a month already?!
Okay. So I know what you're thinking: "why has it been so long since last post?" Many reasons, but mostly because I am both busy and lazy. I actually made a first video blog that I was going to post: changed my mind. So a couple of things: A ...
So Many Games, So Little Time
Hello again. As has become typical of me recently, I have not posted in a few days now. But this time I have a lot to talk about, and so I'm just going to come right out with it. First off, Assassin's Creed: Revelations.   ...