Tool Compare: Unity 5 vs. Unreal Engine 4
A member of the Video Game Development Club group on Facebook made the following post a few days ago: "Okay so can someone help me understand what are the major differences between UDK, Unreal Engine, and Unity? And also which one is the best?" I do m ...
Carolinas Game Summit; UDK Game Development; Skyrim Mod; Dark Ascension and Much More
Hello once again peeps. It's been another month of no posting, mostly because I'm lazy, as I'll elaborate later I've had plenty of time, just not enough time all at once. So I previously mentioned that my brother, my best friend and I have a ...
This Must Be It, Welcome to the New Year…
Hello folks. (Some external knowledge required) Well, Christmas and New Years Day have come and gone. I just spent the past couple of hours working on my home desktop and troubleshooting some graphical problems we've be ...